Lisa Davicioni, R.Ac., TCMP Clinic Director, Registered Acupuncturist and Herbalist
Lisa Davicioni has been practicing Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine since 2001. For over 20 years her focus has been on pregnancy and fertility acupuncture. She has supported thousands of women through pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period. She believes that the birth experience can deeply affect the way a woman feels about herself and that it is a time when women truly need to be cared for and supported. Her postgraduate studies have focused on women's health. She has studied with many great teachers including Bob Flaws, Debra Betts, Jane Lyttelton, Adi Goldenberg and Yael Saslov Shani.
Other post graduate studies include TCM gastroenterology, acupuncture for addiction, NST (Bowen technique), facial rejuvenation acupuncture, Theta healing, Bach flower therapy and Light work meditation Lisa graduated from MediCin College of Oriental Medicine (Tel Aviv) in 2001 and later completed one year in classical Chinese medicine. She has worked in both private and public sectors of health. Her vision is to promote physical and emotional wellbeing in women of all ages.